Support our 2 Decades of Work for Forests, Human Rights and Climate Justice!
Your gift today will support Global Justice Ecology Project's programs for climate justice, forest protection and the defense of human rights in Brazil, Chile and around the world.
Your support will help advance our programs to stop GE trees, and to protect wild forests, biodiversity and water, while defending the rights of Indigenous Peoples and rural communities in the US, in Latin America and around the globe, as well as our cutting edge Global Justice Media Program including our Breaking Green podcast. Please join Global Justice Ecology Project as we work toward a socially and ecologically just future. View the video below to see our impact in 2024!
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- Through our Paypal Giving Fund (which has no donor fees)
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- By check: Please send to GJEP, PO Box 124, Randolph, NY 14772 USA
- By giving stock: Print this form, or email or call Executive Director Anne Petermann for details at anne@globaljusticeecology.org or +1.716.364.1188
Want to leave a Lasting Legacy that includes advancing social and ecological justice?
- Add GJEP to your will or other estate plans. Print this form or email or call Executive Director Anne Petermann for details at anne@globaljusticeecology.org or +1.716.364.1188
GJEP is a US 501c3 non-profit organization founded in Vermont in 2003, EIN # 81-0626946
Awarded GuideStar Gold Seal of Transparency.
Awarded 4 out of 4 stars with Charity Navigator.
About the Photo: Quilombola (Afro-Brazilian) representatives describe the devastation happening on their traditional lands because of the Suzano pulp and paper company. Here their native forest was being destroyed to build a huge road so Suzano could more easily transport their eucalyptus trees to the pulp mill.