Donate now to help distribute Hoodwinked in the Hothouse
Authored by grassroots, veteran organizers, movement strategists and thought leaders from across our climate and environmental justice movements, the third edition of Hoodwinked in the Hothouse is an easy-to-read, concise-yet-comprehensive compendium of the false corporate promises that continue to hoodwink elected officials and the public, leading us down risky pathways poised to waste billions of public dollars on a host of corporate snake-oil schemes and market-based mechanisms.
Please donate to Hoodwinked to help us translate into more languages, share more books with frontline communities, and produce more audio and video updates. Go to climatefalsesolutions.org to read online, order paper copies, listen to the audiobook, or watch webinars.
$20 - Your donation helps us continue to distribute free books (we ask only for cost of shipping).
$50 - Your donation covers the cost of shipping one box of 100 books totally free to a grassroots community organization in the US.
$100 - Your donation covers the cost of shipping one box of 100 books totally free to a grassroots community organization outside the US.
$200 - Your donation will help us to fund future translations (we hope to do Mandarin and Hindi next!)
$500 - Your donation will get us closer to another massive print run of several thousand more books.
To Mail a Check:
1. Please make the check out to Global Justice Ecology Project
2. Please write "Hoodwinked" in the memo line
3. Please mail the check to:
Global Justice Ecology Project
PO Box 124, Randolph, NY 14772
Hoodwinked in the Hothouse is fiscally sponsored by Global Justice Ecology Project, a 501c3 non-profit organization founded in 2003. EIN: 81-0626946.