Yes! I Want to amplify the voices of activists and experts fighting false solutions!

We can't do it without your support

Yes! I Want to amplify the voices of activists and experts fighting false solutions! image

Support GJEP's "Breaking Green" Podcast With a Tax Deductible Gift Today!

Your donation this holiday season will be matched! Up to $25,000!

GJEP's Breaking Green Podcast Confronts False Solutions to Global Crises

GJEP takes a no compromise approach that exposes the intertwined root causes of some of the biggest crises we are facing. Our newest initiative is Breaking Green, a podcast that features interviews with experts and front line voices to identify these root causes and challenge the dangerous corporate false solutions being promoted, while also looking at real solutions.

We accept no corporate sponsors, and rely on people like you to make Breaking Green possible.

Activists, scientists, Indigenous Peoples and grassroots activists across the world are calling for a fundamental transformation of the systems that are driving the climate, ecological and human rights crises all over the world.

But corporate interests seek to use these crises as new sources of profits. They plan to monetize forests, soils and even the ocean under so-called "Nature Based Solutions" and carbon offset schemes. Anything to avoid addressing the real root causes of the climate and other crises.

GJEP's Breaking Green podcast airs monthly interviews with activists and experts who expose false solutions to climate change and other “green proposals” that exacerbate social and economic injustices, and deepen ecological crises. But we can't do it without you.

All the ways you can make an IMPACT with a gift today:

  • Donate one-time or monthly with your credit card, or by Google Pay using the button above
  • Through our Paypal Giving Fund (which has no donor fees)
  • Through your Donor Advised Fund:
  • By check: Please send to GJEP, PO Box 124, Randolph, NY 14772 USA
  • By giving stock: Download our info sheet or contact GJEP co-founder and Executive Director Anne Petermann for details at or +1.716.364.1188

Want to leave a Lasting Legacy that includes advancing social and ecological justice?

Add GJEP to your will or other estate plans. Download our information or contact GJEP Executive Director Anne Petermann for details at or +1.716.364.1188

WHERE YOUR MONEY GOES: a full 84% of every dollar you donate goes directly to our programs.

Our four-star rating from Charity Navigator and our Gold Seal from Candid means that you can trust that your donations go exactly where you want them to.

GJEP is a US 501c3 non-profit organization founded in Vermont in 2003, EIN # 81-0626946

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